How to Create Engaging Content

Julia McCoy

Julia McCoy

Creator and Co-founder

Content Hacker

Want to know how to create engaging content?

Picture this. You’ve got a killer idea for an article.

You’re pumped. Your fingers are itching to start typing away. After a while, you read it back to yourself. But if you’re being honest with yourself…it kinda stinks.

Dang it! You spent all that time and pretty much have nothing! Will your audience enjoy that? Will they even read it?!

If that’s you, you’re not alone. Over half a million blog posts get published every. Single. Day.

That’s a lot of content. But luckily, most of it is a terrible–total snooze fest. Your content is not going to be a snooze fest. That’s because you’ll always remember this:

“Readable = easy to understand.

“Engaging” = fun to understand.

The Importance of Engaging Content

Why should you bother spending more time creating content that’s engaging?

Well, here are a few reasons why…

Audience Retention

Firstly, engaging content helps keep your audience hooked. It’s like being at a party – if the conversation is interesting, you’re more likely to stick around. So when readers find value in what you’re saying or enjoy how it’s presented, they’ll spend more time on your page and come back for more.

Brand Image Boosting

You wouldn’t trust someone who doesn’t know their stuff now, would you? Providing valuable information that solves problems or offers insights can establish your brand as an authority in its field – boosting its image significantly. But remember, talk is cheap without action.

Business Success Connection

Last but not least, business success itself hinges on engagement. Think about it—engaged customers buy more products (hello, increased sales), promote your brand through word-of-mouth (free marketing, anyone?), and stay loyal longer (can we say lower churn rates?).

Here are the facts to support my assertion – customer engagement is critical for business success. (source) All signs point towards one truth – customer engagement is key to business success.

So there you have it. If you’ve ever wondered why so many marketers are obsessed with creating engaging content, now you know.

The road to engagement isn’t always easy, but trust me when I say this: the rewards make every bump worth it. After all, engagement helps your content marketing strategy generate results and achieve your business goals.

In a nutshell, great content is engaging content.

Key Elements of Engaging Content

If you want to create content your target audience finds engaging, you have to bake in a few crucial elements.


The first key to engaging content is relevance.

It’s like throwing a dart – you want your message to hit the bullseye, meeting your audience’s needs and interests.

If you’re selling pet products, for example, creating articles about dog training or cat health will be more relevant than writing about unrelated topics.

It takes relevant content to ensure your target audience pays attention to what you have to say.


Value, another crucial element, involves giving readers something they can’t get elsewhere.

This might mean sharing expert insights or practical tips that help them solve problems. Imagine being in a desert with no water but then finding an oasis – that’s how valuable your content should feel.


We also can’t overlook the importance of originality. People don’t want regurgitated information; they crave fresh perspectives. Be bold.

And always remember, the more emotional connection, the better.

Make Use Of Visuals To Amplify Engagement

Visuals aren’t just pretty pictures. They’re powerful tools to convey complex ideas in a digestible way, like turning complicated data into an easy-to-understand infographic.

Techniques to Create Engaging Content

Need some practical tips on creating engaging content?

I’ve got you covered with these 5 techniques:

1. Know Your Audience

The first step to creating engaging content is knowing your audience. This is crucial as it helps you know the tone, voice, and language to use in your content.

Understanding your target audience’s preferences, interests, and needs helps you tailor your content to address their specific concerns. It also helps you provide value in areas that matter to them.

2. Make it Easy to Read

If your target audience is to find your content engaging, you must make it readable. A few ways to do this include:

  • Aim for a 6th-8th grade reading level. You can use a tool like the Hemmingway app for this.
  • Use short sentences and paragraphs. This makes your content scannable and easy on the eyes.
  •  Avoid jargon and industry lingo. Jargon and industry lingo can confuse some readers, defeating the purpose of creating the content in the first place.

If your content is hard to read, your readers will abandon it immediately, resulting in high bounce rates. And this is bad for SEO as it signifies to search engines that your content isn’t valuable to users.

3. Have a Unique Point of View

There are over 9.7 million blog posts published in a day (as of the writing of this article). To stand out in your niche, you must give your audience a unique Point of View (POV).

The way you see the world and how you express it in your content sets you apart. Be authentic; readers are more likely to connect.

It’s the most important thing in life; just be yourself.

Lots of people write about the same stuff, but audiences pay attention to those who do it with flair.

POV helps brands stand out from their competitors because it adds depth and personality to their messaging. It’s like adding spice to an otherwise bland dish; suddenly, everything pops.

4. Use the Problem-Agitate-Solution (PAS) Approach

You can also play on human emotions (morally and helpfully) with the Problem-Agitate-Solution (PAS) approach.

Start by identifying a common problem among your audience. Next, agitate or intensify this issue before offering a solution—ideally one related to what you offer.

This method works wonders as it aligns perfectly with people’s natural thought processes when dealing with problems. CopyBlogger, for instance, uses PAS effectively in its marketing strategy.

5. Tell Stories That Resonate With Your Audience

Ever seen the movie Inception (2010)? The main character plants an idea into the head of another character.


By subjecting his target to layers of dreams, making subtle suggestions, and finishing the dream.

Stories, like dreams, suspend judgement.

Stories suspend judgement. Stories suspend judgement.

Yeah I said that, like, three times. It’s that important to your marketing.

Stories get us hooked. And if you’re a skilled storyteller, you have the power to captivate your audience.

The Importance Of Metrics And Consistent Publishing

You might have killer content, but if you’re not consistent with your publishing schedule or neglect to monitor key metrics such as engagement rates and traffic stats – you could be shooting yourself in the foot. Tools like Google Analytics can help track these metrics.

The Role of SEO in Creating Engaging Content

Search engine optimization (SEO) is like the compass guiding your content towards the right audience. It ensures that your content doesn’t get lost in the vast digital ocean but instead lands on a shore where interested readers are waiting.

Researching keywords can aid in discovering what people are searching for, which can assist in creating content that readers will appreciate. This can lead to creating content they’ll love. A handy tool for this job is Ahrefs’ Keyword Generator.

The Power of Relevant Keywords

Selecting relevant keywords isn’t just about matching words with search queries; it’s more about understanding user intent behind those searches. Think of them as keys opening doors to different rooms filled with potential readers who need exactly what you’re offering.

Aim for long-tail keywords – these specific phrases may have lower search volumes, but their conversion rates often prove higher because they target users closer to point-of-purchase or subscription.

Optimized Titles and Meta Descriptions

Your titles and meta descriptions act as shop windows displaying sneak peeks into your brand’s offerings. Yoast suggests keeping the title length between 50-60 characters, while meta descriptions shouldn’t exceed 160 characters.

Inbound Links: The Roads Leading Home

Inbound links from high-authority sites signal trustworthiness to Google’s algorithm, acting like well-traveled roads leading back home – or, in our case, back to our website. They boost visibility by showing Google we’re part of a wider community delivering valuable information. Tools such as Moz’s Link Explorer can help you analyze your backlink profile.

Creating content that resonates with your target audience is a key component of successful SEO, ensuring the visibility of your valuable insights.

When done right, SEO ensures your valuable insights get seen by those who will appreciate them most.

Social Media and Engaging Content

Engaging content is like the heart of social media, pumping life into every platform. And why not? After all, 68% of U.S. adults are Facebook users, with a large portion also using platforms like Instagram and Twitter. Let’s explore how to use this connection for enhanced audience involvement.

The Power of Sharing on Social Platforms

To make your brand story more human-sounding on social media platforms, start by sharing content that resonates emotionally with your audience. Think about it as having an interesting conversation at a party – you’d want to share stories that captivate attention and spark discussions.

In fact, posts with emotional value get shared twice as much compared to those without. This doesn’t mean you need to pull heartstrings in every post, but including elements that elicit joy or surprise can help drive engagement.

Leverage User-generated Content (UGC)

User-generated content acts as digital word-of-mouth marketing which we know has always been powerful. It helps build trust because people tend to believe their peers more than brands themselves.

A report from Stackla revealed that 86% of consumers say authenticity greatly influences their purchase decisions, proving UGC’s importance in today’s marketplace.

Crafting Interactive Posts

An interactive post isn’t just fun; it’s a brilliant way to keep your audience engaged. Be it polls, quizzes or contests; these can all encourage user interaction and foster a stronger sense of community.

Interactive content not only grabs attention but also holds onto it by giving the audience an active role. After all, who doesn’t love to participate in something that’s entertaining?

Case Studies of Successful Engaging Content

The world of content marketing is teeming with inspiring success stories. Let’s take a closer look at how some businesses have hit the mark with engaging content.

Dove’s Real Beauty Campaign

Dove, known for its beauty products, launched an incredibly successful Real Beauty campaign. This global effort centered around promoting body positivity and self-esteem. It resonated deeply because it touched on common insecurities people face about their appearance.

This campaign used video storytelling to emotionally connect with viewers. The impact? A massive boost in brand presence and customer engagement across various platforms.

Airbnb’s User-Generated Stories

Airbnb, the popular home-sharing platform, built its brand through user-generated stories. They asked hosts to share their unique experiences while renting out their homes.

This approach created a sense of community among users while providing authentic testimonials that drew more people into using Airbnb’s services. Here again, we see emotional connection as a key factor in crafting engaging content that works.

Buzzfeed Tasty’s Quick Recipe Videos

BuzzFeed Tasty, known for quick recipe videos shared on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, revolutionized food blogging by keeping it short and sweet – literally.

Their bite-sized clips quickly became viral sensations due to their easy-to-follow format and visually appealing dishes.

In this case study example, simplicity and visual appeal made all the difference.

These instances demonstrate how various components, for instance, passionate association, client-created substance, and outwardly engaging introduction, can be utilized to make captivating content that reverberates with the crowd.

They are proof that, when done right, compelling content can help elevate your brand’s online presence.

Future Trends in Engaging Content

The world of engaging content is ever-evolving, with new trends and innovations shaping the landscape. Here’s a look at what the future of engaging content holds.

User-Generated Content (UGC)

Recent studies demonstrate that UGC has a substantial influence on buying decisions, rendering it an exhilarating pattern to observe. Businesses are beginning to harness UGC more than ever before because it builds trust and authenticity.

Voice Search Optimization

With more people using voice search capabilities, optimizing your content for this medium will become crucial. Expect more focus on long-tail keywords and conversational phrases as part of SEO strategies.

Ephemeral Content

Snapchat started it, but Instagram Stories made ephemeral content mainstream. This short-lived material creates FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) among viewers, driving quick action from them – perfect for limited-time offers or promotions.

Data-Driven Personalization

The rise of AI-powered tools lets marketers deliver highly personalized experiences based on customer data analysis. ‘Netflixing’ – tailoring recommendations based on past behavior is one example we’ll see replicated across different industries soon.

A/R & V/R Experiences

We’re already seeing Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) transform various sectors like gaming or real estate – now imagine their potential in creating immersive storytelling experiences. It’s not far-fetched; companies like Ikea already use AR to let customers ‘see’ furniture in their homes before buying.

The Rise of Micro-Influencers

As trust in big-name influencers wanes, the spotlight is shifting towards micro-influencers – those with a smaller but highly engaged audience. Collaborating with these individuals can offer brands more authenticity and better engagement rates.

Remember, trends might shift, but the key rules for crafting engaging content always stay the same. It’s all about providing genuine benefits, being consistent with your identity, and truly comprehending your viewers.

Challenges in Creating Engaging Content and How to Overcome Them

Crafting engaging content can feel like trying to solve a complex puzzle. It’s not just about being witty or having perfect grammar; it’s also about understanding your audience, their needs, and how best to meet them. But fear not. With the proper approaches, you can overcome these difficulties.

The Challenge of Understanding Your Audience

Understanding your audience is crucial but often challenging. To tackle this hurdle, use analytics tools that help uncover key insights into user behavior on your site. Google Analytics, for instance, gives detailed data that aids in creating tailored content that resonates with readers.

Maintaining Consistency While Staying Fresh

An essential aspect of engagement is consistency – both in terms of publishing frequency and tone. However, repeating the same style may bore readers over time. So what do we do? A practical approach is maintaining a balance between staying true to your brand voice while experimenting with different types of content formats.

Finding The Right SEO Balance

We all know SEO helps improve visibility—but stuffing keywords mindlessly doesn’t make for engaging reading material. Instead, focus on writing high-quality content first. Afterward, you can strategically incorporate relevant keywords (Moz’s Beginner Guide). This method ensures an excellent reader experience without sacrificing search engine rankings.

Keeping Up With Social Media Trends

Social media trends are ever-changing—it feels like once you’ve mastered one platform or trend, another pops up. (Hello TikTok).

It can be overwhelming. But don’t worry. Using tools like Sprout Social, you can track trends and adapt your content strategy accordingly.

The journey of creating engaging content is filled with challenges, but remember: every problem has a solution. Armed with these strategies, let’s conquer the world of content together.

What’s Next?

Crafting captivating material isn’t a piece of cake.

But, we’ve learned that it’s worth every ounce of effort. From boosting audience retention to building your brand image – it’s vital!

We now know the key elements: relevance, value-addition, and originality… all essential.

The techniques shared here are practical and proven. Point of View, Problem-Agitate-Solution, or storytelling – pick what suits you best!

Dive deep into SEO and social media strategies; they’re allies for visibility and reach.

This wild world of online content creation is ready for you.

Engaging Content: The Key to Higher Conversions and Revenue

Knowing how to create engaging content is super important to running a successful blog or business.

That’s why I created this guide to help ensure all your online efforts pay off.

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