Content Publishing and Repurposing

Julia McCoy

Julia McCoy

Creator and Co-founder

Content marketing

Profitable, sustainable content strategies begin with a blog post.

They end with a blog post, 58 instagram posts, maybe a podcast episode or two, probably some YouTube videos, oh and TikTok, some –ok you get the point. Lots of content.

Ever wondered how people do all that? Putting out so much content seems impossible, especially with smaller teams? How do they do it?!

Ok I’ll tell you: Repurposing.

The secret’s out. Profitable brands repurpose one big form of content into many, many more.

Repurposing not only helps you maintain a steady stream of content but also allows you to reach a wider audience who might prefer different content formats.

Here’s how it’s done…

Understanding Content Repurposing

It’s not about reinventing the wheel. It’s about using what already exists in different and engaging ways.

Content repurposing, at its core, is all about taking an existing piece – be it a blog post or video script – and transforming it into another format without losing its original essence. This strategic approach breathes new life into your older content pieces while simultaneously expanding their reach.

The Definition

To put simply, when we talk about content repurposing, we’re referring to altering existing material for use on various channels or mediums.

For instance, let’s say you have a well-performing long-form blog post; with some tweaks here and there (like breaking down complex points), this can easily transform into an infographic for social media or become bite-sized insights for Twitter posts.

Maximizing Value: One Piece Multiple Uses

You know that popular saying “kill two birds with one stone”? With content repurposing it’s more like kill 10.

The same single piece can fuel numerous high-quality outputs across different platforms – podcasts episodes based on your research findings from blogs posts? Check.

YouTube videos explaining concepts outlined in white papers? Double check.

A Strategic Approach To Content Marketing

Why spend hours creating fresh topics when you have goldmines buried within your past work? Research has shown (1 from Research 1) that reusing older materials helps save time (2 from Research 1), not to mention the SEO benefits.

Google loves seeing content refreshed, updated and reused; it signals that your site is active, relevant, and useful for search engine crawlers.

The beauty of repurposing lies in its efficiency: you’re making your existing content work harder without necessarily putting more hours into creating new material from scratch.

Now that’s what I call smart marketing.

Benefits and Impact of Content Repurposing

Envision a situation where you can take one bit of substance and transform it into numerous pieces that reverberate with various groups.

That’s the magic of repurposing content, folks. It not only saves time but also increases your reach by providing more value to your audience.

A study shows us three impressive benefits when we save time with repurposed content:

  • There is an increase in brand visibility as consistent posting keeps you at the forefront.
  • Bbetter engagement rates are observed because users love diverse forms of content.
  • There is a notable boost in organic traffic – something every marketer craves.

The Reach Multiplier Effect

The beauty of this strategy lies in its ability to multiply your efforts exponentially while staying true to your brand message. With each new format or platform used for sharing existing material, you extend its lifespan and expand its reach.

You might start out by turning blog posts into visual aids like infographics or videos; these mediums can engage audiences who prefer consuming information visually rather than textually.

Similarly, social media platforms such as LinkedIn offer opportunities for creating micro-content from larger articles without compromising on quality or depth.

Punching Above Your SEO Weight

An often overlooked advantage offered by repurposing is how much it boosts SEO efforts. Google search crawlers love fresh updates to older content which allows them higher ranking possibilities – even if the core idea remains unchanged.

Additionally, Google Analytics, provides data showing increased page visits due to diversity in formats catering various consumer preferences.

Sustainable Marketing Strategy

Besides all these, content repurposing is a sustainable marketing strategy. It lets you get more mileage out of each piece created and optimizes resources spent on content creation. It’s like making one meal but serving it in various ways to satisfy different taste buds – everyone wins.

11 Ways to Repurpose your Blog Posts

Here are 11 ways to repurpose your blog posts (and exactly how).

1. Social Media Posts

Share key points, quotes, or stats from your blog posts on your social media platforms. This can create engagement and drive more traffic to your blog. Utilize major platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn for broad reach.

2. Email Blasts

Use the introductory section of your blog post as the content for an email blast. Then, place a “keep reading” button at the bottom of the email that leads directly to your blog. 

This can drive traffic to your website while providing immediate value to your email subscribers.

3. Infographics

Convert the main points of your blog post into a visually captivating infographic. This format is excellent for making complex data or ideas easy to understand. Venngage, Canva or Piktochart can be helpful tools for infographic design.

4. E-books

Gather related blog posts and turn them into an e-book. This can serve as a comprehensive guide on a specific topic and works wonderfully as a lead magnet for email campaigns. Adobe InDesign or Google Docs are useful for e-book formatting.

5. Podcasts

Turn your written blog post into an audio format by reading it aloud and recording it as a podcast episode. This is ideal for people who prefer consuming content through listening. A basic microphone and recording software like Audacity is all you need to get started.

6. Videos

Create a video that summarizes or expands on your blog post. Videos are often more engaging than text and can help you reach a larger audience. YouTube and Vimeo are great platforms for video publishing.

7. Slide Presentations

Transform your blog post into a slide presentation. This format is particularly effective for educational content and can be shared on platforms like SlideShare.

8. Webinars

Use the content of your blog post as the foundation for a webinar. This is a powerful way to provide more in-depth information and interact with your audience in real time. Zoom or GoToWebinar are excellent tools for setting up a webinar.

9. Online Courses

If your blog post is highly informative or instructional, consider converting it into an online course. Udemy or Coursera are good platforms for hosting your course.

10. Guest Posts

Repurpose your content into a guest post for another website. This can help you reach a fresh audience and gain valuable backlinks. Remember to tailor the content to match the style and audience of the guest posting site.

11. Quizzes

Develop a quiz based on your blog post. This is an engaging and fun way to check your readers’ understanding of the content. Typeform is a great tool for creating interactive quizzes.

Ultimately, repurposing content is about creatively reusing what you already have. When you repurpose your blog posts, you can extend the reach of your content, appeal to different content consumption preferences, and get the most value out of each piece of content you produce.

Transforming Blog Posts into Different Formats

The magic of content repurposing is like turning one slice of cake into a whole party’s worth of treats. Imagine taking that single blog post and transforming it into an array of shareable formats.

Creating YouTube Videos from Blog Posts

You’ve crafted a killer blog post, now let’s give it another life as a YouTube video. According to Wyzowl statistics, 85% people are more likely to buy after watching product videos. So why not repurpose your blog content for this engaging format?

To start, you need to turn the main points in your article into script material. Keep the language conversational and remember: what reads well on paper might sound different when spoken out loud.

Crafting Infographics out of Long-form Content

Blogs brimming with data make perfect candidates for infographics – visual snapshots that can be easily shared across social media platforms.

Aim to condense complex information from your long-form posts down to key takeaways or stats. Visual elements should simplify concepts rather than confuse them further – think clarity over clutter.

Note: In all transformations keep brand message consistent but catered towards each platform’s unique audience needs and habits.

Remember our goal here isn’t just about saving time by using existing content; we’re also looking at maximizing reach. Each new format opens up opportunities on various channels so don’t hold back – go ahead, get creative and start making the most out of every piece.

Maximizing Social Media Through Content Repurposing

Social media is a dynamic space, and to make your brand shine brighter, you need to maximize engagement with repurposed content. But how do we leverage existing blog or video content for social platforms like Instagram or LinkedIn? It’s simpler than it sounds.

Using Old Images as Post Backgrounds

An image worth 1,000 words? How about giving them a second life on Instagram. One way of reusing older content is by transforming images from past blogs into fresh backgrounds for new posts. This approach not only saves time but also gives your followers something familiar yet novel.

You might ask why should I bother creating social media posts from existing content? Well according to Research 1 (Stat #7), brands that consistently repurpose their old visuals see an increase in user-engagement rates by up to 60%.

The GaryVee Content Model, exemplifies this strategy brilliantly; they break down one piece of flagship content into multiple pieces across various formats. Now isn’t that efficient?

The Magic of Micro-videos

Moving beyond still visuals – ever thought about converting those informative blog snippets into micro-videos? Video clips are known for their higher retention rate and greater impact when compared to textual messages.

In fact, based on research: ‘Users retain 95% of the message in a video format compared to just around10% when reading it in text.’ Sounds like quite the bang for our buck right?

The Content Marketing Institute suggests that repurposing content into multiple formats increases the chances of reaching a wider audience. This also allows you to post multiple times on various media platforms without worrying about creating new content from scratch.

In essence, the key is to make your existing content work harder for you and unlock its full potential through strategic repurposing.

Leveraging Guest Posts and Collaborations through Content Repurposing

One of the smartest ways to maximize your content’s value is by repurposing it for guest posts or collaborations with influencers. This strategy not only amplifies your reach but also strengthens your brand message across multiple platforms.

A single piece of high-quality, original post can be turned into a multitude of formats suitable for various blogging platforms. But how do you start? Rest assured that the effort expended will be well worth it.

Guest Posting with a Twist

Neil Patel, an industry expert in digital marketing strategies suggests repackaging existing blog content as new guest posts on other websites. He advises that rather than creating entirely new pieces every time, extract key insights from older content and present them in a fresh way.

You need to make sure though not to create duplicate content which may upset search engine crawlers. A bit of adjustment can make a big difference.

Influencer Collaborations: Sharing Your Best Bits

If collaborating with influencers has been part of your marketing strategy, then this will sound familiar – sharing excerpts from previous articles or snippets from podcasts episodes during influencer takeovers or co-branded campaigns could bring about tremendous engagement results.

Gary Vaynerchuk’s Example:

“It’s like killing two birds with one stone.” said Gary Vaynerchuk regarding his approach to leveraging old podcast episode based content for collaborations. He emphasizes the value of not only repurposing, but also re-contextualizing older material to align with current discussions or trends.

Content repurposing is an art that combines creativity and strategic thinking. It’s all about giving your content a new lease on life while maximizing its potential reach. Remember, every piece of evergreen content you have can be turned into multiple pieces ready for guest posts or influencer collaborations.

Evergreen Content and Its Role in Content Repurposing

The concept of evergreen content refers to topics that remain relevant over time, withstanding the fast-paced changes of digital trends. Think about it like a sturdy tree: while seasons change, its leaves stay vibrant all year round.

This type of content is vital when you’re planning to repurpose your existing pieces. But why so? Because evergreen topics provide a solid foundation for reformatting across different platforms and formats without losing their relevance or value.

A key strategy here is updating older content for relevancy. Let’s say you have an article on “best marketing strategies”. Even though some tactics may evolve, the core principles generally don’t change much – making this topic ‘evergreen’.

Updating Older Content

You can keep these valuable posts fresh by integrating new information or tweaking them into a novel format.

Taking our previous example further, suppose Google releases a significant algorithm update affecting SEO strategies – which impacts your “best marketing strategies” post from last year. Rather than creating entirely new material on this development, you could simply update your original piece with current data.

“Content repurposing doesn’t always mean getting more granular…sometimes it means taking two related blog posts and combining them.” – Pat Flynn 

  • Repurpose an older, evergreen blog post into a YouTube video.
  • Turn the key points of your article into shareable snippets for social media posts.
  • Use it as fodder for guest posts or podcast episodes on similar topics. 

By refreshing and repurposing evergreen content, you’re making sure that every single piece is working hard to deliver value – multiple times over.

Now you know how to be a small team with a big voice, or–even better–a big team with a bigger voice. Content repurposing is crucial to a profitable strategy, so go get started!

Continue Your Learning Journey with the Best of the Best

If you follow these content repurposing tactics, you will be ahead of the majority of content marketers out there.

But there’s tons more to learn – this is really just the beginning.

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