What is Backlinking?

Julia McCoy

Julia McCoy

Creator and Co-founder

Backlinks in content


Do you feel like your website goes unnoticed, like a small island in a big digital sea?

You have great content, but you need more visitors. What if there’s a way to get more online traffic? This is where an effective backlink strategy helps.

Think of each good link as a bridge from your website to the bigger internet world.

Each link brings more people and gets your site noticed by search engines. It’s not just about getting lots of links. It’s about getting strong, useful links.

See the opportunity ahead?

This means better search rankings, more people visiting your site from other sites, and becoming more trusted online.

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Table Of Contents:

Understanding Backlinks: A Key to Effective SEO Strategy

To improve your website’s visibility and ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs), you need to know about backlinks.

A backlink is simply a link from one website to another.

Backlinks are very important in SEO. They are like “votes” for your site.

They tell search engines like Google that other websites value your content enough to link to it.

This improves the credibility of your website and can help it rank higher on SERPs.

The Role of Backlinks in Your Website’s Authority

A well-executed content marketing strategy can get you high-quality backlinks.

When reputable sites with high domain authority link to yours, it boosts organic traffic and can help it rank higher on SERPs.

Domain authority (DA) is a term by Moz. It guesses how likely a website is to rank on SERPs based on links from other websites.

Creating an Effective Backlink Strategy

An effective backlink strategy is a cornerstone of successful link building strategies. It involves creating content that others want to link to.

This could be blog posts, infographics, whitepapers—anything valuable that people in your industry or audience will want to share.

Another part of the strategy involves reaching out to other websites or influencers in your industry. Offer them content that their audience would appreciate.

This helps their readers and can give you backlink opportunities.

The key here is relevance and quality.

A few good backlinks from related sites are better than many from low-quality or unrelated sites.

Google can distinguish between natural, earned links and those that are bought or not genuine.

These are called “black hat” SEO techniques.

Developing a Robust Link Building Strategy

Think of your website as a digital city. Your link building strategy is like the roads that lead people to your city.

The more paths, or backlinks, you have from diverse and reputable places, the easier it is for search engines to trust and rank your site.

Diversifying Your Link Profile for SEO Success

It’s better to have traffic from many different routes, not just one.

A variety of links shows Google that your website is valuable to different visitors. It’s not just about having many links. You want to have different types of links.

If all your links come from similar sites, it’s like a neighborhood where all the houses look the same.

This can look suspicious… and you don’t want that.

Using Anchor Text Effectively

Anchor text is the clickable text in links.

It’s like giving directions using landmarks instead of street names. It helps people know what to expect when they click.

When you use keywords in your anchor text, it tells Google what your page is about.

But if all your anchor text is the same, like “best coffee shop,” it looks fake, like too many signs for the same tourist spot.

To keep it real and not trigger search engine filters, vary your anchor text.

What I mean is, use different words, your brand name, or even simple phrases like “click here” sometimes.

Remember that an effective backlink strategy focuses on variety and authenticity in your link building efforts.💯

Reaching Out to Journalists: A Powerful Backlink Strategy

In digital marketing, backlinks help make your website visible and trustworthy.

One effective way to gain high-quality backlinks is by reaching out to journalists.

Yes, journalists.

Don’t you just love symbiotic relationships like this one?! 

Building Relationships With Journalists

Don’t just contact journalists for backlinks. Try to build real, lasting connections with them.

Follow them on social media platforms like X (formerly Twitter) or LinkedIn and interact with their posts before suggesting your ideas.

Pitching Your Story Idea Effectively

When pitching your story, focus on how it helps the journalist’s readers, not just promoting yourself.

Write an interesting subject line and a clear email explaining why your story is important.

Finding The Right Contact Information

Use tools such as Hunter.io and Voila Norbert to find the email addresses of journalists.

Here’s something important: send your pitches only to journalists covering your industry.

That said, getting backlinks through journalists takes time and effort. But it can really improve your website’s SEO and make your brand more visible online.

Guest blogging is among the most impactful link building strategies.

It’s like being introduced to new people at a party.

You write an amazing post for someone else’s blog, and boom—you’ve got a room full of new pals linking back to your website.

Writing a Good Outreach Email for Guest Blogging

Pitching a guest post is like asking someone out on a date. It needs charm, personalization, and something enticing.

Your outreach email should be more than “Hey there, I’d love to write for you.”

Add some zing with why they’ll benefit from your content as much as you will from their audience. Give them a taste of your expertise without spilling all the beans—leave them curious.

Remember, popular websites get a lot of guest post offers. Stand out by showing you know their work. Compliment their recent articles.

Suggest topics that fit both your audiences.

Explain how guest blogging with them can bring more visitors, not just another link. It’s about working together to get noticed in Google searches.

Finding Blogs to Write For

Before you send any email, do your homework.

  1. Use tools like Content at Scale’s Topic Report to find out who’s talking about your topic.
  2. Suggest topics that fit both your audiences.
  3. Research the style and preferences of each website owner. You know why? Personalized emails get noticed more than generic ones. Put some thought into it. 

Getting good backlinks isn’t just luck.

It’s about networking, research, and good communication. And it really works!

Getting Backlinks with Free Digital Resources

An effective backlink strategy is sharing free downloadables like ebooks or web apps.

Why Freebies Work

Everyone loves free, useful things.

If you offer high-quality resources for free on your website, other websites might link to you.

This could be an ebook with helpful tips, a handy checklist that simplifies a complex task, or a web app that solves a common problem in your industry.

Making Your Content Worth Sharing

To make this strategy work, keep in mind:

  • The content must be high quality and useful. If it’s not well-written or doesn’t offer new information, people won’t share it.
  • It should be relevant both to what you do and your audience. If not, those who download it might not come back.

Promoting Your Resource

Once you have a great resource, you have to share it.

Start with promoting it on social media channels where your potential customers are. Consider guest posting on popular blogs within your industry as well.

Don’t forget to email people about it, too!

The goal is to show your resource to as many people as possible. The more people see and find value in it, the higher the chances they’ll link back to you!

If done right, giving away free digital resources can be a powerful strategy for building quality backlinks and driving traffic toward your website.

So, think about it: what valuable content can you offer today for free?

Think of yourself as a digital explorer, finding broken links on websites.

These broken links are like missing pieces in a puzzle, and you can help fix them. This is known as broken link building, and it’s an effective backlink strategy.

Start by looking for broken links in your field. Use Google or tools like Ahrefs’ Content Explorer.

When you find a link that doesn’t work, you’ve found a chance to help.

Now, don’t just tell them about the broken link. Offer your own content as a new, better link.

You see, it’s not just about fixing a link. It’s about making their site better, improving their user experience, and connecting to yours.

Why This Works

This helps because search engines want to show working, up-to-date information at all times.

By replacing old or broken links with your content, you get backlinks from thankful website owners. Often, these websites have a lot of influence and a high domain authority.

Your goal is to do more than just change a link. Think of it as filling in gaps in information and making your online presence stronger, one good backlink at a time.

The real benefit is not just in fixing these broken links, but in turning them into paths that lead people to your website.

By keeping in touch and building relationships from this, you can start more collaborations. This could lead to guest posts or other opportunities.

This method is popular because it changes forgotten links into valuable parts of the online world.

You’re not just fixing a link—you’re adding a new, useful part to the internet’s story.

Using Social Media to Improve Your Backlink Profile

Social media is not just for cat videos and viral dances.

It’s a strong tool for getting brand mentions and building links. This makes social media an effective backlink strategy.

When you share content on social media, it can open doors to interactions that can lead back to your site, especially if people like to share and talk about your content.

Social Shares and Link Building

Even a simple tweet or Facebook post can reach a lot of people.

Every time someone shares or likes your content, there’s a chance someone will see it and link to your website.

This isn’t just a guess…

Data shows that good social media posts can lead to more website visits—making social media an effective backlink strategy.

Getting Your Brand Mentioned With Engaging Content

Create something people want to talk about. Then, watch as it gets shared and talked about on social media.

When your brand is mentioned a lot on social platforms, search engines consider you an authority in your industry.

This can lead to better SEO rankings and more backlinks, as every mention could lead to a new link.

Working With Influencers For More Reach

If you connect with influencers, they can share your content with their followers. This can get your content seen by more people than normal ads.

This kind of networking doesn’t just get more eyes on your content. It also builds relationships that can lead to high-quality organic links.

Using Analytics to Track Social Media Success

Use tools to see how much traffic you get from social media. This helps you understand the real impact of your posts.

Look at things like how many people click through to your site (click-through rates) and how long they stay after coming from social media. This shows if you’re really connecting with people’s interests.

Change your strategy based on what the data shows. Maybe Instagram stories work better than Twitter threads for some topics. You need to track this to know.

With the right use of analytics, you can find out how to use social media better for link building. Tracking data can change the way you use SEO.

The Power of Content in Attracting High-Quality Sources

Creating content is like fishing in the vast internet sea. You never know who might find your content and link to it.

Making interesting and useful content is key to getting attention from good sources. 

This kind of relevant content acts like a beacon, attracting high-quality sites that want to link to authoritative sources.

Making Top-Notch Content

Each time I create content, I aim to create the best  —content so valuable and informative that it stands out in search results.

When you make really good content, Google notices. Their algorithms are always scouting for top-notch stuff to rank higher.

Think about creating detailed guides or case studies that pack an informational punch. These are an effective backlink strategy—and a very natural approach at that.

Earning Links through Valuable Content

A post goes viral when people can’t help but share—it has something special.

It might answer important questions or explain complex topics in an easy way.

This virality of your post can lead to other website owners and bloggers linking to it. They do this to share your insights with their readers.

This not only brings more visitors to your site but also improves your SEO.

Using Analytics and Alerts

To stay on top of things, use free tools like setting up Google Alerts for keywords related to your niche.

This lets you know when your brand is mentioned without a link. You can then kindly ask for a link to be added.

Also, using tools like Content at Scale’s Keyword Research can help. It shows where people are talking about topics related to your content.

This lets you create content that fits into these conversations, attracting potential linkers.

By making great content and using tools to find linking opportunities, you can build quality backlinks and improve your website’s authority.

Learning who links to your competition can be a big help in developing an effective backlink strategy.

The links to your competitor’s site are likely from sources relevant to your industry. These can be great for improving your own website’s ranking in search results.

This might seem hard because of all the data, but there are tools to help. Some are free, some you pay for.

They simplify this process by analyzing the backlink profiles of any website. For instance, the Free Backlink Checker by Ahrefs is easy to use for finding these link opportunities.

An image showing Ahref backlink checker

An image showing Ahref backlink checker

Here’s how to use it:

  • Step 1: Open Free Backlink Checker by Ahrefs or a similar tool.
  • Step 2: Put in the URL of a competitor.
  • Step 3: Click “Check backlinks.”
  • Step 4: Look at the results, like the total number of backlinks and whether they are dofollow or nofollow.

The tool gives you a list of all the active links to that domain.

This helps you find the best links to try to get for your site. Once you find good links, you can ask those sites if they’ll link to you too.

But first, check if they have already linked to your site.

Backlinks are not a “set it and forget it” solution. They can vanish, become less helpful, or less relevant.

So, you need to keep looking for new backlink opportunities to keep your website’s search ranking high.

Using Personal Case Studies: An Effective Backlink Strategy

Creating and sharing your own case studies is an effective backlink strategy.

These are not just ordinary blog posts or articles. They are detailed stories about specific projects or experiments you’ve done.

Case studies are unique and valuable.

They offer real examples, facts, and insights you can’t find elsewhere. That’s why they are so attractive to link to. 

Other websites would jump a chance to link to your case study as a resource for their readers.

Case studies work because they are authentic and trustworthy. People appreciate when businesses open up about their experiences, whether they are successful or not.

This honesty builds trust and gives readers useful information for their own projects.

This mix of practicality and openness is why others want to link to your site.

How to Create A Compelling Case Study

  1. Pick a Topic That Fits: Choose something that relates to your work. It should interest both your usual visitors and new ones coming from external links.
  2. Do Thorough Research: The more detail, the better. Include everything relevant—numbers, timelines, challenges, etc. This adds to your credibility.
  3. Share Real Results: Be honest, whether the results are good or bad. People respect and value honesty.

Content at Scale AI Content Writer can write a compelling case study for you. Neil Patel also has a guide on creating case studies.

In short, personal case studies can be an effective backlink strategy.

They provide valuable information for your audience, position you as an authority in your field, and attract high-quality links from other websites.

FAQs About Effective Backlink Strategies

What is a good backlink strategy?

A good backlink strategy combines creating high-quality content, reaching out strategically, and building networks to get links that improve your search rankings.

This involves understanding where your target audience spends time online and connecting with those platforms and influencers.

You can create effective backlinks by writing guest posts, finding and fixing broken links, and producing content that’s so good others want to link to it.

These are all effective backlinking strategies.

You may also engage with others in your industry, participate in relevant online communities, and use social media to increase visibility.

A quality backlink usually has three main features:

  • Reputable Source: It comes from a well-respected and authoritative website
  • Content Relevance: It fits naturally and relevantly within the content
  • Varied Anchor Text:  It uses varied but relevant and keyword-rich anchor text, which helps in contextually aligning with the linked content.

Which backlink is most powerful?

Dofollow links from well-known, respected websites pack the biggest punch.

They are valuable in SEO because they pass on the most ranking power to your website.


You have learned that an effective backlink strategy can help boost your site’s authority and improve its rankings.

The key is variety—get links from different sources.

The way you use anchor text is important. Vary it to avoid any negative attention from Google.

Guest posts are also a great way to get credible backlinks and show search engines you’re legit.

Broken link building is a clever way to make quality connections. Social media also plays a role—it’s not just for socializing. It can strengthen your backlink profile too.

Create content that shines, and watch high-quality sources ready to share what you have.

Embarking on this SEO journey isn’t easy, but using these strategies is where the real adventure begins.

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